

Dec 12, 2023

Moran Minute: Voting Against Washington’s Spending Spree

Dear Friend,

As you may know, my time in East Texas was cut short last week due to the House of Representatives being called back into session in order to vote on the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023. There is no question about it – federal spending in Washington is out of control, and as a direct result, so is our national debt.

There is no doubt that we need legislation to immediately reduce spending, and keep spending down over the next decade. While I applaud Speaker McCarthy's efforts to push back against the Biden Administration and recognize the gains won during the negotiations for the legislation, more was needed. For this reason, I voted against the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023.

My full statement regarding my vote against the legislation can be read by clicking HERE.

Across the First Congressional District, East Texans joined together to honor and remember the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of the freedoms and liberties we relish each day.

Alongside several local veterans – including a few who served our nation during World War II, I joined the community in commemorating Memorial Day at the Tyler Memorial Park Cemetery. During this event, I had the opportunity to thank those who dutifully served our nation while memorializing those who gave all and praying for the families and loved ones those heroes left behind.

Thank you to all the brave men and women in uniform who have served our nation, fighting for our democracy and freedom. Our nation is the home of the free, because of the brave.

Over the last several years, we have lost too many of our friends and neighbors to Fentanyl-related overdoses – specifically, over 3,300 Texans since 2020. During my time as a County Judge in East Texas, I directly saw the impact of these lethal drugs across our community.

Since entering Congress earlier this year, I have been an active player in the fight against the Fentanyl epidemic – introducing my own legislation to combat the manufacturing, distribution, and transfer of Fentanyl, and recently voting in support of the HALT Fentanyl Act. This important legislation reclassifies fentanyl-related substances as Schedule 1 narcotics – the most serious and dangerous classification of a drug. Further, this legislation establishes a refined process for research on these drugs, ensuring that companies and those entrusted with researching these narcotics cannot abuse access to these dangerous compounds.

More needs to be done, but this important legislation is a good start – and one that will prevent us from losing more neighbors to these lethal drugs.

My full statement regarding the HALT Fentanyl Act is available by clicking HERE.

When I began my academic journey nearly thirty years ago, I took out student loans in order to pursue my academic endeavors – I followed this path because I knew it was the right decision for me and my family. In taking out these loans, I understood that the responsibility to repay the loans were mine – and mine alone.

The student loan forgiveness plan proposed by the Biden Administration is unconstitutional – trampling the Constitutional Authority of the Legislative Branch under Article I of the U.S. Constitution. Further, it is unfair. It should not be the responsibility of East Texans, or any individual, to subsidize the loans of another person – especially when you consider that these individuals will directly benefit from the education funded by said loan.

In my role on the Committee on Education and the Workforce, I have been a leading voice in the fight against the student loan bailout. Recently, I spoke on the House Floor in support of H.J.Res.45, expressing Congressional disapproval of this plan.

My full remarks can be seen by clicking HERE or on the video below. My full statement regarding the legislation is available by clicking HERE.

After a long night of voting last week and an early morning flight, I was greeted by Queen City Mayor Harold Martin, his team, and local officials upon my return to the District. Together, we discussed the prominent values that define East Texas, and how we employ these values while serving our communities.

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Founded on the mission of redefining the next generation of pipe fittings, JCM Industries of Nash is a third-generation, family-owned business that leads the manufacturing industry.

Alongside Mayor Bunch and City Manager Bowers, President and CEO John Collins led my team and I on an in-depth, informative tour where I was able to see first-hand the facility's ability to create quality products on-demand. With 165 employees from across East Texas, JCM Industries specializes in custom-made pipe fittings, with the ability to deliver products to customers when needed.

It is an honor to be your voice in Congress, and I greatly value the input that I receive from East Texans regarding upcoming legislation. If you are interested in reaching out to my office to discuss a piece of legislation or express your thoughts and/or concerns, please visit my website by clicking HERE or calling my office at (202) 225-3035.

With gratitude,